It's that time of year again- Daylight Saving! The single most anxiety-inducing day for parents that we get to celebrate not once but TWICE a year! Aren’t we lucky?!
But I’m here to say- DO NOT PANIC.
First of all, this is the EASY one. Spring forward is a walk in the park compared to Fall back (don’t worry, I’ll help you through that one too).
So let’s get you set up for success.
You have 3 simple options: pick one and go with it:
1- DO NOTHING- Just wake your kids up on March 13th at their new, normal time and move on with your day. Naps will fall at this new, normal time. Bedtime will fall at this new, normal time.
You may experience some push back for a few days, or everything may shift easily. This would be a good option for children who are pretty good at making shifts and love their early bedtimes.
2- 30 MINUTE SHIFT, here are the steps:
~Friday March 11th, morning wake, naps, and bedtime are all shifted 30 minutes earlier.
~Saturday March 12th, morning wake, naps, and bedtime are all shifted 60 minutes earlier.
~Sunday March 13th- Start back with your normal timings for everything!
This option would be ideal for those children who struggle a bit with change and need a little bit more guidance. This is also a great option for parents who like to get ahead of things.
3- 15 MINUTE SHIFT, here are the steps:
~Wednesday March 9th, morning wake, naps, and bedtime are all shifted 15 minutes earlier.
~Thursday March 10th, morning wake, naps, and bedtime are all shifted 30 minutes earlier.
~Friday March 11th, morning wake, naps, and bedtime are all shifted 45 minutes earlier.
~Saturday March 12th, morning wake, naps, and bedtime are all shifted 60 minutes earlier.
~Sunday March 13th, Start back with your normal timings for everything!
This option would be ideal for our sassy sleepers, those who don’t tolerate change very well. This is also great for parents who get a lot of anxiety about transitions (like me) and want to know they have done everything to make this go as smoothly as possible.
Does your child already struggle with early wakes? This is an EXCELLENT opportunity to get them on a more age appropriate schedule.
If you’re wondering what a later schedule for your child could look like- feel free to reach out!
Have any questions about the steps? Let me know.
Hope this helps and Happy DLS! Enjoy that extra SUNSHINE!